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  • Exeter College Go Wild


4 Nov 2020 | 2 min |

Exeter College Go Wild

A group of coaches at Exeter College wanted to generate some competition to keep players engaged and, with players asked to choose a theme, the Exeter College Wildlife Conservation League was created.

Within the RFU’s training guidance the students and coaches came up with a 10-team touch tournament. With a mixture of years and players randomly split into teams, the scene was set for the opening fixtures of The Foxes v The Squirrels, The Stags v The Weasels and The Owls v The Stoats and so on…

Coaches wanted all players to enjoy the tournament and to also promote other valuable skills, like working hard for each other and never giving up, keeping five points for a try with a losing bonus point within three tries. Other rules reward team play and effort.

The first week of the tournament saw 25 games played over five pitches and 224 tries scored. The second phase, the Plate and Cup competition and the finals followed prior to the half term break.

The big winner, however, is the game with over 100 players enjoying rugby within the RFU guidance throughout the autumn.

“This themed league gained lots of interest and many students who really enjoyed taking part during what has been a challenging time,” said Keith Brooking, Exeter College Head Coach. “It is something we will certainly look to repeat once we are able to with the hope of adding further elements to the game in line with the RFU’s training parameters.”

If your college is interested in setting up a similar league in the future contact England Colleges RFU ecrfuhonsec@rfu.com.