Head to Head
Old Redcliffians
Season comparison
Old Redcliffians
League position
League points
Points scored
Tries scored
Penalties kicked
Drop goals
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Team lineup powered by the Game Management System. These are generated using the data collected from Electronic Match Card each week. Find out more about how they are collected.
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Timeline powered by the Game Management System. These are generated using the data collected from Electronic Match Card each week. Find out more about how they are collected.
4'Try Bradley Talbot
5'Conversion Luke Cozens
17'Try Henry Harper
18'Conversion Miss Luke Cozens
33'Try Nicholas Selway
34'Conversion Miss Luke Cozens
37'Try Tomas Gwilliam
38'Conversion Miss Ashley Groves
40'Penalty Miss Ashley Groves
Off Herbie McMullin
On Alex Harvey
47'Try Ellis Joseph
48'Conversion Ashley Groves
Off Nicholas Selway
49'Off Andrew Butler
50'Try William Owen
51'Conversion Luke Cozens
Off Patrick Walton
On Jalen Curry
52'Off Henry Harper
54'Technical Yellow Card William Owen
55'Penalty Ashley Groves
56'Off Samuel Rees
On Ezra Caven
60'Off Zac Ward
Off Daniel Broady
On Max Woodward
63'Off Tomas Gwilliam
On Thomas Ford
78'Off Ricardo Cano
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Match stats powered by the Game Management System. These are generated using the data collected from Electronic Match Card each week. Find out more about how they are collected.
Old Redcliffians
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