Head to Head
Doncaster Knights
Season comparison
Doncaster Knights
League position
League points
Points scored
Tries scored
Penalties kicked
Drop goals
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Team lineup powered by the Game Management System. These are generated using the data collected from Electronic Match Card each week. Find out more about how they are collected.
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Timeline powered by the Game Management System. These are generated using the data collected from Electronic Match Card each week. Find out more about how they are collected.
5'Penalty Name withheld
11'Try James Hadfield
Conversion Name withheld
18'Try Maliq Holden
Conversion Miss Samuel Olver
20'Foul Play Yellow Card Jake Caddy
22'Try Connor Edwards
Conversion Samuel Olver
30'Penalty Miss Name withheld
34'Try James Hadfield
Conversion Miss Name withheld
37'Try Name withheld
Conversion Name withheld
43'Off Joshua Peters
On Jack Davies
44'Off Guido Volpi
On John Kelly
45'Off Peter Roberts
53'Off Fraser Strachan
On Mark Best
Off Andrew Foster
54'Try Jake Caddy
Conversion Miss Name withheld
Off Ben Murphy
On George Oram
Off Alexander Dolly
On Joseph Green
60'Off Ntinga Mpiko
Off Jake Caddy
62'Off Huw Worthington
On Myles Scott
65'Off James Hadfield
Off Ethan Benson
On Mark Bright
67'Try Charles Connolly
Conversion Samuel Olver
70'Try Kyle Evans
Conversion Samuel Olver
73'Off Jonathan Harris
On Luke Spring
Off William Kaye
75'Penalty Name withheld
80'Try Thomas Smith
Conversion Samuel Olver
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Match stats powered by the Game Management System. These are generated using the data collected from Electronic Match Card each week. Find out more about how they are collected.
Doncaster Knights
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